Loss of service 24/11/23
On the 24th of November our services were down for 48+ hours...
Lateral Swap
Children can now be reordered, a feature long-requested by users...
We have finished our journey of leaving Google Cloud...
New payment provider
A big "hell yeah!" for Stripe and a "screw you" to Apple and Google's payment gatekeeping ways...
Change a group's name
I am excited to announce that 6 Groups now offers the ability to change your group's na...
Abraham's Genealogy
Franek has made a video of him using 6 Groups...
6.29 Autocomplete and more
Building large trees can be exhausting, but the new...
The absurdity of Apple Pay
Imagine a seller platform where you're not allowed to see the individual receipts...
5.74 Move Extension
The new Move extension allows you to relocate nodes and their children...
Web Version Leaves Beta
The web version has achieved feature parity with its Desktop counterpart...
Linux and MacOS Support
6 Groups is now also vailable on Linux and MacOS operating systems...
33% Better
All group data is now stored in a compressed format and takes 33% less space...
New Promo Videos
We now have a couple promo videos to serve as previews for 6 Groups...
TheWebAppMarket Review
6 Groups has been recently reviewed by TheWebAppMarket.com...
New Domain
What used to be GroupsApp.online is now 6groups.com. The reasons to change Group's official name are varied...
Web App Version
It has been very busy during the past 6 months...
4.54 Improved E2E Encryption
This week, an anonymous hacker attempted to reverse engineer Groups and find vulnerabilities in its E2E encryption...
4.32 Colorize Update
Groups now includes an option to use artificial intelligence that adds color to your old or black and white pictures...
4.12 Improved Languages
Groups's Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Persian and Korean translations have been greatly improved in the latest release...
How to successfully onboard your team
Working on your group from multiple users and devices is easy. On this post, I will outline a few steps that will hopefully make it easier for your team to start using Groups...
2.32 Calendar (Events)
2.32 Ships the Events module with it. The Events module is basically a group calendar. It allows you to schedule events and to set reminders. You can remind all group users of a certain event, or you can restrict who gets reminders in each event...
2.24 Documents & Scanner
2.24 brings the ability to add documents (files) to your organigram members...
2.15 Photo Galleries
This extension lets you add photo galleries to your organigram members. You can adjust the quality of the photos to optimize your cloud storage space. A high-resolution copy will always be saved for each organigram member...
2.04 Spouses
I first imagined Groups as a tool focused on organigrams. It then grew into family trees, and while most users still use it for organigrams, there is a sizeable portion of the userbase that use it exclusively for drawing their family tree....
1.97 Guest user sign in
Groups has received a handful of 1-star reviews by users who complained about the need to sign up in order to use the app....
1.96 Chart Styles and Linked Groups
1.96 brings the ability to edit your chart's styles. Let's start by looking at bubble chart styles. These can be changed by tapping on "Edit styles" in the Bubble Chart Options menu...
1.96 Linked Groups
1.96 finally adds the ability to link your chart members to other groups. This feature has been implemented for a while in the source code but never got turned on due to not being backwards compatible with older versions...
1.87 Member colours
You can now add colours to your organigram members...
1.59 Export to CSV
1.59 allows Groups to export your organigram in CSV format. This will allow you to edit your group outside the app using your PC (note: Groups can now also be directly used on your PC)...
1.59 Reindex
1.59 includes an option to "Re-Index" your group. This is not a strict DB re-index, but I chose the word "re-index" because of its familiar meaning...
1.51 Dark Mode
1.51 includes the option to enable what is known as "Night Mode" or "Dark Mode" in Groups...
1.45 Import from CSV
Groups can now import group members from a text CSV file. CSV files are text files that contain many text lines each with many text fields separated by comma...